The monthly broadcast of the Digitization in Teaching MIN (DL.MIN) team on interesting topics in the field of digital teaching and learning.
The broadcasts usually take place on the first Monday of the month at 3:00 ㏘.
Past broadcasts

[DE] Teaching on the Lightboard: A visit to the mathematics video studio
Better Safe than Sorry: 2FA at the UHH
More structure in the exam: Moodle tips for a better overview -
[DE] Better Podcasting: Tips on podcasting
Rode Connect: What can the free podcast software do?
Create podcast intros with Audacity -
[DE] The new "DL-Portal" of the UHH
Moodle Tip: Duplicate and reuse courses
eTeaching.org turns 20 -
[DE] Guest: Tobias Schmitt reports on the video documentation of an excursion to Colombia
MINtern: Our media production room in action
Net Discovery: Wild Workshop Games -
[DE] Lab for Hybrid Learning Spaces: Microphones in classrooms
Guest: Markus Brändel / Biology Study Office on eExams in Biology
Tool Tip: Create 360° learning content yourself -
[DE] Digital tools for teaching: UHH tool landscape at a glance
Net Discovery: LehreNavi - a navigator for teachers
Moodle Tip: Office hours and room orga with the Moodle Planner -
[DE] Podcasts concerning the topic of eLearning
Tool Tip: Cut your own videos effortlessly with Shotcut
Tool Tip: Secure email communication with personal certificates -
[DE] Dynamic Visualizations: Examples and Use in Teaching
Behind the Scenes: DL.MIN Stop-Motion Workshop
Guests: Katrin Singer and Abdelkrim Fertahi on project-based work in the "Critical Cartography" seminar -
[DE] E-Exams With the iPad
Moodle Tip: Moodle 4.0 – We present the new version of our MIN-Moodle
Net Discovery: Learn programming playfully -
[DE] Safe(r) Into the Summer Break: Tips or More Security on the Computer
Moodle Tip: Closing courses in MIN-Moodle
Net Discovery: TALK: A dialogue day on teaching -
[DE] Tablets in Teaching: What are the Possibilities?
Tool Tip: Quizzes with H5P
MINtern: Case for Apple iPads -
[DE] ZOOM and Livestream in Comparison
Streaming from the Home Office #03: Audio and Video Filters
Moodle Tip: Participant certificates in Moodle -
[DE] Streaming from the Home Office #02: The many features of OBS
MINtern: Our hardware rental -
[DE] Streaming from the Home Office #01: Which Equipment makes it look better?
Admin on Tour: The Installation of the New Jupyter Server
Tool Tip: Using text modules with the Clippings plugin
Net Discovery: Jöran's "penguin media metaphor" -
[DE] Collaborative Writingtools
Net Discovery: Audit culture
Tool Tip: Icons under CC License -
[DE] From the Lecture Hall to the Web
Tool Tip: Audiosoftware Audacity
Moodle Tip: Atto Editor -
[DE] Handwritten Presentation
Tooltip: ARSNova
Moodle Tip: Enrolling students